
July 29, 2006

The lake saw my last tear, my face dry now for many years. Until I saw a friend leave, and another could not say goodbye. They've never met me, though.


July 24, 2006

Feet lift from the pavement again. Do I have roots? Do I want roots? Maybe the next step is better. Bigger. The next step always is. Until I take it.


July 14, 2006

I've drowned every night for as long as I can remember. Until today. I approach the water as I breathe, dipping a toe as to check for temperature. But everyday is the same: perfect water to swim in. Perfect water to drown in. But today I saw the water and walked away.


July 12, 2006

Doors open and close. At times it seems that too many doors are open, as if the world remembered that people are trustworthy, and forgot that they aren't. And at times it seems that all the doors are shut and locked. But theres always one. It just has to be found.


July 8, 2006

Rain brings life,
keeps me inside.

July 5, 2006

My mind erased and idle
I stare at the water.
Am I really alone here
or merely blind?