
September 25, 2006

Some leaves are better unturned.


September 20, 2006

There was once a man who thought of himself. Only himself. And he forgot about everyone else. And everything else.


September 17, 2006

We pretended to be somewhere else for a day. But we were.

September 16, 2006

I've grown thirsty again. And this thirst cannot be quenched.

September 11, 2006

I can fly where I can't see. If I have faith.

September 10, 2006

I can move those clouds blocking the moon.


September 7, 2006

I'm Superman with a torn cape, Prince Charming - a little overweight, and a Knight in tattered armor. I am perfect at being me.


September 4, 2006

Greatness needs no explanation.